Snow leopards on the move

The snow leopards have a new “Himalayan” home

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Our beautiful snow leopards are gradually exploring their new habitat and prowling across the high rocks – with female Layla demonstrating just how perfectly these majestic big cats are adapted to life in mountainous terrain. Their large paws ensure safety when climbing and prevent them from sinking into the snow – rather like snowshoes – while the hairy soles keep them warm. Snow leopards also always have a cosy scarf at the ready: their long, bushy tails not only help them to balance, but also serve to provide extra protection from the cold. Meanwhile, their white-grey fur with dark spots provides the perfect camouflage in rocky terrain.

Opening in spring 2022, our exciting Himalayan trail will lead you to snow leopard couple Layla and Batar as well as red pandas, takins and more.

Opening hours

Today, 24. April
9:00 - 18:30
Last admission: 17:00
All opening hours

Feedings & Trainings

  • Our animals are full up. No more feeding sessions today.
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