Working together for Kyiv Zoo

Zoo and Tierpark Berlin deliver feed and other items to the war zone

    Zoo and Tierpark Berlin are continuing to demonstrate commitment and solidarity towards Kyiv Zoo in the face of the ongoing devastating war in Ukraine. Berlin’s zoological gardens have organised another aid delivery ,worth more than €72,000, for the Ukrainian zoo and have sent donations amounting to €8,000.

    Zoo and Tierpark Berlin remain in close contact with their colleagues in Ukraine and are supplying Kyiv Zoo with urgently needed items. Two trucks carrying over 25 tonnes of dry feed for various animals including giraffes, elephants, rhinoceroses and birds left the Tierpark today, headed for the Ukrainian capital. Also on board was a mobile X-ray machine. The relief initiative was supported by Schönbrunn Zoo in Vienna and Alpenzoo Innsbruck. A generous contribution was also made by intipa GmbH, the company that supplies feed to Berlin’s zoological gardens. “We want to thank everyone who continues to support us during these difficult times,” says Kyrylo Trantin, the director of Kyiv Zoo. “Almost every week animals are sent to us from the front line of the war. Their condition is often critical and they require all the assistance we can give, so external aid and donations are still urgently needed.” Trantin explains that, especially during the winter, it is crucial that damaged animal accommodation be repaired as quickly as possible in order to protect the animals from the cold. For this, regular supplies of plywood are required.

    Zoos and animal parks around the world are united across cultural and political boundaries, creating a strong network that is always ready to help fellows in need. “We feel a strong sense of duty towards our colleagues at Kyiv Zoo during these difficult times,” says Dr Andreas Knieriem, the director of Zoo and Tierpark Berlin. “We are deeply grateful to our supporters for standing by us for nearly two years now and enabling us to provide prompt assistance in emergency situations. Any form of support, however large or small, makes a significant difference. I would like to personally express my thanks to each and every donor.” The supply of feed, which is one of any zoo’s biggest daily expenses, will provide for the animals and reduce the economic burden placed on Kyiv Zoo during the ongoing conflict.


    “The members of the worldwide zoo community help each other wherever possible,” says Dr André Stadler, the director of Alpenzoo Innsbruck. “As chair of the EAZA Technical Assistance Committee, it was very important to me that the Alpenzoo play a role in the relief efforts for Ukraine. I’d like to offer my thanks to Zoo and Tierpark Berlin for organising the efforts.” Dr Stephan Hering-Hagenbeck of Schönbrunn Zoo echoed those sentiments: “We are strongly committed to helping Ukrainian zoos get through the difficult winter months. We would like to thank Zoo and Tierpark Berlin for coordinating the efforts, and our donors for their support, which is especially valuable in times of crisis.”

    This was not the first delivery of aid to Ukraine coordinated by Zoo and Tierpark Berlin. Over the past two years they have dispatched seven large relief shipments. In cooperation with conservation organisation NABU, they have also provided urgently needed assistance to the rehabilitation centre for brown bears in Ukraine’s Synevyr National Nature Park and the Yelanets Steppe Nature Reserve. Berlin’s zoological gardens continue to call on other institutions, companies and individuals to join in the efforts and show their support for Kyiv Zoo and other zoological facilities affected by crisis and conflict worldwide.

    All information about Zoo and Tierpark Berlin’s relief efforts can be found at:

    Donations are still being collected:

    IBAN: DE84 1004 0000 0661 2345 00
    Reference (Verwendungszweck): Hilfe für Ukraine

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