Another new arrival at Tierpark Berlin

Tierpark Berlin has welcomed another marsupial species – the Tasmanian forester kangaroo, a subspecies of the Eastern grey kangaroo. Our new inhabitants came to us from the zoos in Copenhagen and Aalborg.

    The winter coat of the Tasmanian subspecies is longer and thicker than that of its counterpart on the Australian mainland. It also has darker paws and a dark tip to its tail.

    Did you know? Female kangaroos can delay implantation of embryos; development of the zygote is paused until environmental conditions improve. For instance, this strategy can be employed to prevent winter births. At birth, the joeys are blind, deaf, naked, and the size of a jelly bean. They reach the pouch by clambering along a track licked by their mother in her fur and then spend several months safely tucked away, drinking milk.

    Opening hours

    Today, 1. May
    9:00 - 18:30
    Last admission: 17:00
    All opening hours

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