Mishmi takin

Budorcas taxicolor taxicolor

Perfectly equipped

Mishmi takins live at altitudes of up to 4,500 m and are perfectly equipped for mountain life: their short, sturdy legs and broad hooves provide surefootedness, while oily skin secretions coat their fur and protect them from the cold, damp climate.


  • Origin

    Northeastern India, northern Myanmar, southern China

  • Habitat

    mountainous-steep woodlands and grasslands

  • Diet

    Leaves, herbaceous plants

  • Status


  • Size

    110 cm shoulder height

  • Weight

    150–350 kg

  • Gestation period

    approx. eight months

  • Achievable age

    up to 20 years

Threat Categories of IUCN

Lean winters

In spring and summer Mishmi takin gather in herds of up to 100 individuals, but in autumn and winter they break off into smaller groups of ten to 40 animals. This is down to the food supply, which is too scarce in autumn and winter to feed large groups.

Did you know?

The takin is also known as the “gnu goat”, but it is in fact more closely related to sheep.
The first Mishmi takin birth outside the Himalayan region was at Tierpark Berlin in 1980.

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Opening hours

Today, 27. July
9:00 - 18:30
Last admission: 17:00
All opening hours

Feedings & Trainings

  • Giraffe-Talk 12:30
  • Free-flight show 13:30
  • Penguin talk 14:30
All feedings