Providing help to Kyiv Zoo

Our commitment in Ukraine

    © Zoo Kiev


    The animals and employees at Kyiv Zoo are feeling the effects of the war in Ukraine every single day. Caring for the more than 3,000 zoo animals as well as abandoned dogs and cats from the local area is becoming increasingly difficult. Zoo and Tierpark Berlin are assisting Kyiv Zoo by providing animal feed and various necessary items.

    We spoke to Julia Vakulenko, a staff member at Kyiv Zoo.

    Question: Could you describe what the situation is like there?

    J.V.: There are frequent attacks here in Kyiv, particularly on the civilian infrastructure. The objective of the attacks is to cut off light, heat, communications and transportation for the Ukrainian people. Our air defence forces are doing an impressive job, but they cannot provide complete protection. What’s more, falling fragments of missiles and drones are putting lives at risk, causing injury and destruction.

    Question: What is Kyiv Zoo’s greatest concern right now?

    J.V.: For security reasons, we cannot reveal all the details, but Kyiv Zoo has been subjected to heavy raids about ten times in this past month. After such attacks, we must quickly repair ceilings, install new windows, and calm our animals and employees. While other people seek refuge in bunkers, our staff stay with the animals to ensure their safety.

    Over the past two years, we have repeatedly had to do without a central power supply and communications network. Weekly power outages and cyberattacks are forcing zoo employees to work around the clock in order to maintain the infrastructure and care for the animals. Thanks to the generous support of EAZA and our partners at European zoos, we have been able to secure autonomous supplies of light, heat and water. We can also prepare food on wood-burning stoves and heat the indoor areas with small stoves. The acquisition of two refrigerators has enabled us to stock up on monthly supplies of meat, fish and other feed staples.

    Question: What is the best way that others can help?

    J.V.: We urgently need dry feed, as we are not always able to quickly obtain an adequate supply of feed when there are transport problems, communications breakdowns or power outages. Continued financial support is also essential to cover the additional costs of diesel, construction materials, spare parts, and fuel for generators and vehicles. War-related emergencies regularly lead to a variety of other, unforeseen expenses. Our primary goal is to keep all zoo inhabitants safe. Not only have we successfully achieved that over the past two years of war, we have also taken in almost 500 animals from other affected regions of Ukraine. However, the resulting need for additional accommodation, medication and feed is putting a strain on our budget.

    Working together to protect animals and nature: Your donation makes a difference!

    Your support is crucial for keeping important projects like these up and running in Ukraine. Every donation, however large or small, helps protect animals and nature.

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    Nature conservation in Ukraine:

    Ukraine is home to an abundance of natural treasures that must be protected. From the vast Yelanets Steppe to the majestic Carpathian Mountains, the country contains many unique ecosystems and vulnerable species. And yet poaching, habitat loss and environmental pollution pose serious threats to the nature of Ukraine. The devastating effects of the war are placing additional strain on the country’s flora and fauna, making the work to protect and restore it all the more urgent. Through targeted nature conservation projects and with the help of local partners, organisations like NABU are making a valuable contribution to preserving this important natural environment. Ensuring a sustainable future for Ukrainian nature requires more than support from abroad: concerted efforts must also be made to raise awareness among local people and get these communities involved.

    You can find more information about how to help Ukraine here:

    Ukraine aid

    Opening hours

    Today, 27. July
    9:00 - 18:30
    Last admission: 17:00
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    Feedings & Trainings

    • Polar bear talk 11:00
    • Giraffe-Talk 12:30
    • Chacoan peccaries 12:30
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