Cute offspring

Our Roloway monkey kitten receives lots of care and attention from our monkey team.

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The offspring named Kiru was born in mid-April. Unfortunately, mom isn't looking after him very well, so our colleagues have taken on the loving task. That's how patchwork works! Little Kiru is now gradually getting used to life in the monkey group and will soon be part of the troop. The monkey dad is already showing great interest.

According to the IUCN Red List, Roloway monkeys are threatened with extinction. The reason for this is deforestation and urban sprawl in the rainforests as well as heavy, uncontrolled hunting for bush meat.

Opening hours

Today, 20. May
9:00 - 18:30
Last admission: 17:00
All opening hours

Feedings & Trainings

  • Polar bear talk 11:00
  • Giraffe-Talk 12:30
All feedings