Press area

Here you can access all press reports and selected images for editorial use. Please pay attention to the copyright notice below.

    No news available.

    Monti Gets to Know His Kangaroo Family

    Every day at lunch time, the young kangaroo hops out of his "replacement pouch", maintained by animal keeper Jens Schnabel, and starts on his exciting voyage of…

    Happy End for Monti the Agile Wallaby

    District Mayoress takes out a sponsorship for the orphaned kangaroo boy.

    A Little Miracle at Tierpark Berlin: The Muskox Get Two New Additions

    Tierpark Berlin is now home to the largest muskox population in Central Europe: Muschel and Bommel are the sweet reasons for this! Both muskox calves are number eight and…

    [Translate to English:] Tiger Vierlinge im Tierpark Berlin

    Naming Challenge for the Tiger Sponsors

    Berliner Sparkasse generously sponsors the tiger quadruplets. Raisa, Olga, Aljoscha, Kirill, Natalja … how should we call the eight week-old Amur tiger quadruplets.?

    Tiger Quadruplets in Tierpark Berlin!

    One, two, three... quadruplets! Sixteen clumsy paws are currently lumbering around tiger mum Aurora (5 years' old) – climbing, tumbling, romping without tiring. Aurora…

    Bearded Vulture Herculis on an Important Mission

    19th bearded vulture from Tierpark Berlin successfully settled into the wild

    Bearded vulture Herculis from Tierpark Berlin went on a great journey last week – the young…

    Let's See What Tierpark Berlin Will Look Like in 2030!

    Tierpark Director Dr. Andreas Knieriem presents his aims and development plan.

    [Translate to English:] Lemurentag im Tierpark Berlin

    Lemur Day at Tierpark Berlin

    Tierpark promotes species conservation project in Madagascar.

    [Translate to English:] Chaco Pekari im Tierpark

    Two Triplet Births for the Threatened Chacoan Peccaries

    Tierpark Berlin is delighted with its two triplet births for the threatened Chacoan peccaries.

Filming & Photography in Tierpark Berlin

Filming and photography for private purposes is allowed. You must stick to the visitor trails.

Photography and filming for editorial purposes must be notified and authorised with the press department.

Commercial shots are not permitted.

All audio, video and/or photographic material released by Tierpark Berlin is protected by copyright and may only be used for the purposes of reporting on Tierpark Berlin. All other rights are reserved, particularly, but not exclusively, the right to use this material for commercial purposes. Any requests regarding such use must be submitted in writing to Tierpark Berlin. The copyright-protected material must be credited as follows: © Tierpark Berlin.

Holders of a valid press ID of a German or international journalists association are granted free entry into Tierpark Berlin.

Photos for editorial purposes

To image selection

Press contact

Hanja Runge
Philine Hachmeister
Svenja Eisenbarth

Zoologischer Garten Berlin AG
Hardenbergplatz 8
10787 Berlin


Opening hours

Today, 12. January
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Feedings & Trainings

  • Our animals are full up. No more feeding sessions today.
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