Press area

Here you can access all press reports and selected images for editorial use. Please pay attention to the copyright notice below.

    No news available.
    [Translate to English:] Przewalskipferd-Auswilderung in Kasachstan

    Przewalski Horses from Berlin Have Safely Arrived in the Steppe

    International Rewilding Project for Wild Horses Successfully Launched

    International Rewilding Project for Wild Horses Launched

    Przewalski Horses from Tierpark Berlin are on Their Way to Kazakhstan

    Return Of The Wild Horses

    Project for Reintroduction in Kazakhstan Presented at Tierpark Berlin

    Unique island habitat opens at Tierpark Berlin

    Small-clawed otters, babirusas and crested macaques move into Otter Island

    A stripey bundle of joy: New tiger cubs at Tierpark Berlin

    Twins born to the Sumatran tigers | Only around 500 left in the wild

    A bear in danger?

    Michel Abdollahi and Tierpark Berlin join forces to protect the polar bear | Crowdfunding campaign launched for species and climate conservation

    The big headcount

    Berlin’s zoological facilities record a total of 26,684 animals and 5.6 million visitors

    Working together for Kyiv Zoo

    Zoo and Tierpark Berlin deliver feed and other items to the war zone

    A baby with a hypnotic stare

    Bear cuscus born at Tierpark Berlin

Filming & Photography in Tierpark Berlin

Filming and photography for private purposes is allowed. You must stick to the visitor trails.

Photography and filming for editorial purposes must be notified and authorised with the press department.

Commercial shots are not permitted.

All audio, video and/or photographic material released by Tierpark Berlin is protected by copyright and may only be used for the purposes of reporting on Tierpark Berlin. All other rights are reserved, particularly, but not exclusively, the right to use this material for commercial purposes. Any requests regarding such use must be submitted in writing to Tierpark Berlin. The copyright-protected material must be credited as follows: © Tierpark Berlin.

Holders of a valid press ID of a German or international journalists association are granted free entry into Tierpark Berlin.

Photos for editorial purposes

To image selection

Press contact

Hanja Runge
Philine Hachmeister
Svenja Eisenbarth

Zoologischer Garten Berlin AG
Hardenbergplatz 8
10787 Berlin


Opening hours

Today, 12. January
All opening hours

Feedings & Trainings

  • Our animals are full up. No more feeding sessions today.
All feedings